- 1929
- Teikoku School of Higher Education for Women founded in affiliation with Teikoku Pharmaceutical College for Women.
- 1938
- Teikoku School of Higher Education for Women incorporated as Teikoku Gakuen Foundation.
- 1947
- With reform of the educational system, Teikoku Gakuen Junior High School founded.
- 1948
- With reform of the educational system, Teikoku School of Higher Education for Women became Teikoku Women's High School.
- 1951
- Teikoku Gakuen Foundation reorganized as Teikoku Gakuen Educational Foundation.
- 1952
- Teikoku Gakuen Kindergarten founded.
- 1959
- Department of Business established in Teikoku Women's High School.
- 1962
- Teikoku Women's High School (Owada Campus) opened.
Teikoku Women's Junior College founded with Department of Domestic Science.
- 1963
- Department of English Literature established in Teikoku Women's Junior College.
- 1965
- Teikoku Women's University founded with a Department of Domestic Science in the Faculty of Domestic Science.
Teikoku Gakuen Owada Kindergarten founded.
- 1966
- Department of Food Science and Nutrition established in the Faculty of Domestic Science, Teikoku Women's University.
- 1968
- Nutritionist Course opened in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Domestic Science, Teikoku Women's University.
- 1969
- Department of Clothing established in the Faculty of Domestic Science, Teikoku Women's University.
- 1972
- Department of Pedology established in the Faculty of Domestic Science, Teikoku Women's University.
- 1974
- Teikoku Gakuen Junior High School closed.
- 1975
- Department of Domestic Science in the Faculty of Domestic Science, Teikoku Women's University closed.
- 1976
- Department of Early Childhood Education established in Teikoku Women's Junior College.
- 1977
- Teikoku Women's University Kindergarten opened.
- 1978
- Teikoku Women's High School (Owada Campus) became independent as Teikoku Women's University Owada High School.
- 1979
- Ceremony held for 50th anniversary of founding.
- 1984
- Department of Intercultural Relations established in Teikoku Women's Junior College.
- 1985
- Teikoku Gakuen Junior High School renamed Teikoku Women's University Owada Junior High School.
- 1988
- Osaka International University founded with a Department of Management and Information Science in the Faculty of Management and Information Science.
- 1989
- Department of English Literature in Teikoku Women's Junior College renamed Department of English.
Ceremony held for 60th anniversary of founding.
- 1992
- The name Teikoku is replaced with Osaka International at all of the foundation's schools.
Department of Politics and Economics in the Faculty of Politics and Economics established in Osaka International University.
Faculty of Domestic Science, Osaka International University for Women reorganized; Department of Communication and Department of Human Health Science established in a new Faculty of Human Sciences.
- 1993
- Department of Business closed at Osaka International Takii High School.
Graduate School of Management and Information Science established with a Master's Program in Osaka International University.
School of Japanese Studies for Foreign Students established in Osaka International University.
Teikoku Gakuen Educational Foundation renamed Osaka International Educational Institution.
Osaka International Hirakata Kindergarten closed.
- 1995
- Doctoral Program established in the Graduate School of Management and Information Science, Osaka International University.
Faculty of Domestic Science (departments of Food Science and Nutrition, Clothing, and Pedology), Osaka International University for Women, closed.
- 1996
- Osaka International Takii Kindergarten closed.
- 1997
- Department of International Communication and Department of Sports Management established in the Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka International University for Women.
Recruitment for Department of English, Osaka International College for Women, ended.
- 1998
- Graduate School of Social Sciences established with a Master's Program in Osaka International University.
Department of Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka International University for Women, renamed Department of Social Communication.
- 1999
- Ceremony held for 70th anniversary of founding.
- 2000
- Department of Politics and Economics, Faculty of Politics and Economics, Osaka International University, renamed Department of Politics, Economics and Law, Faculty of Politics, Economics and Law.
- 2002
- Faculty of Human Sciences established in Osaka International University.
Department of Social Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka International University renamed Department of Psychology and Communication.
Osaka International College for Women renamed Osaka International College.
Department of Global Study established in Osaka International Takii High School.
Osaka International Owada Junior & Senior High School became co-educational.
- 2005
- Department of Early Childhood Education in Osaka International College renamed Department of Child Education and Welfare.
- 2007
- Department of International Communication in Faculty of Human Sciences
reorganized: Faculty of International Communication.
- 2008
- Faculty of Management and Information Science and Faculty of Politics,
Economics and Law reorganized: Department of Management Design and Department of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business Administration; and Department of Information Design and Department of Law and Public Policy, Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies.
Department of Intercultural Relations and Department of Domestic Science in Osaka International College reorganized: Department of Life Design.
Department of Life Design (Dietitian Course only) and Department of Child Education and Welfare became co-educational.
Osaka International University for Women closed.
- 2009
- Ceremony held for 80th anniversary of founding.
- 2010
- Department of Domestic Science in Osaka International College closed.
- 2011
- Department of Intercultural Relations in Osaka International College closed.
- 2012
- Department of International Communication in Faculty of Human Sciences in Osaka International University closed.
- 2014
- Faculty of Business Administration and Faculty of Contemporary Social
Studies reorganized: Faculty of Global Business.
Department of Life Design became co-educational.
- 2015
- Faculty of International Communication reorganized: Faculty of International Liberal Arts.
Osaka International Owada kindergarten transformed into a Center for Early Childhood Education and Care.
- 2016
- Matsushita-cho sports facility completed.
- 2018
- Faculty of Global Business reorganized: Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
Department of Sports Management became co-educational.
- 2019
- Ceremony held for 90th anniversary of founding.
- 2021
- Department of Life Design in Osaka International College reorganized:Department of Life Design and Department of Nutrition.
- 2022
- Osaka International High School opened.
Osaka International Junior High School opened.
- 2024
- Osaka International TakiiHigh School combined with Osaka International Junior High School and High School at the new campus.